Big Ticket Incentive
Baby Supplies & Equipment
Baby Items: Bibs, cloth diapers, bottles, small toys, bows, socks, etc. can be in clear Ziploc bags with the tag attached to the inside or outside of the bag. You can use clear packing tape for securing the bags closed. This prevents 'little' hands from reaching in.
Blankets and Snuggies sell better if they are hung and pinned to a hanger.
Several small items can be grouped together in Ziploc bags (books, rattles, grab bags for small toys).
Stuffed animals must "DO" something (musical or animated).
Please don't try to sell Happy Meal toys...come on, they were free!
Breast Pumps: If bringing a breast pump to sell, please price for $50 or less. Due to recent legislation, many insurance companies now provide pumps to expecting mothers, so they are less in demand than in the past.
Infant Equipment:
• Infant equipment includes: Car seats, strollers, high chairs, swings, exersaucers, bouncy seats, boppies, play gyms, pack and plays and bassinets.
• Car seats cannot be older than 5 years old. Click here for a car seat waiver. Fill it out and bring it with you to check-in.
Cribs: Just Between Friends can only accept the consignment of cribs manufactured on or after June 28, 2011. Cribs manufactured from July 23, 2010 to June 28, 2011 may be consigned if the consignor provides a certificate of compliance from the crib manufacturer or retailer. Cribs manufactured prior to July 23, 2010 will not be accepted under any circumstance. Cribs that are unacceptable, for any reason, cannot be sold as toddler beds. Click here for a Crib Waiver, fill it out and bring it with you to check in.
Stuffed Animals:
Must be musical, character or animated ("do" something) or they will be pulled from the sales floor. Even when they're adorable, those that don't "do" something just don't sell, as they seem to multiply on their own at our houses! No beanie babies or used webkins. Build-A-Bears must be accessorized or talk/sing.
We have a 25 book per consignor limit. If you have more than that, consider "bundling" and selling some as a set. We accept parenting/pregnancy books, baby up to pre-teen. No adult, murder-mysteries, etc.
Please flip through the pages to make sure they haven't been "decorated" or torn by ambitious little learners!
Only bring items in excellent condition and less than 5 years old. No tears, stains or obvious fading.
We accept Preemie to 18, Juniors and Maternity(no men's or women's)
New-ish: We will accept up to 20 items per consignor that are Juniors/Teens. Focus on labels such as Abercrombie, Hollister, Nike, Under Armour, Pink, Miss Me, Lululemon and other mall brands that teens wear. No women's/men's brands or styles. These items will go through a separate inspection process, even for Immaculate Consignors. Please price these items to sell!
All clothing items must be hung using appropriate sized hangers. Wire, plastic or store hangers are fine. Use safety pins to secure the item if it will have trouble staying on the hanger.
We have a 200 item limit on clothing. An "item" counts as one tag. For example, two shirts on a hanger for $4 counts as one "item".
We do have a $3 minimum price on clothing. You can pair up items if needed, as long as they are the same size (they don't have to be an outfit). Two pairs of pants or two or more shirts will sell easily together.
Be sure and use WHITE cardstock for your tags. CARDSTOCK is especially important on clothing, as tags on regular paper will get torn off more easily. WHITE is important as we used colored paper for internal purposes and your items will be mis-sorted and not returned to you if on colored paper.
Hangers face LEFT (like a question mark).
To hang an outfit or set:
Safety pin clothing sets securely with pants hung on the backside of the shirt so both pieces can be viewed without unpinning them.
Safety pin through BOTH pieces AND through the hanger (this will prevent pants from weighing down the shirt and causing a possible tear).
Please safety pin pants to the top part of the hanger so the garment will not slide.
We prefer you use safety pins, but you can use a tagging gun. Barbs must be in the correct places for us to accept the items. Tags placed under the armpit, at the end of the sleeves and in the front fabric (where it makes a hole in the fabric) will not be accepted. Tagging gun guidelines sheet.
DVD's & Electronics
DVD's: Make sure the disc is in the case and not scratched. Sorry, we do not sell VHS tapes and will automatically donate any that are put out on the sales floor. No rated R movies.
Expensive Electronics ARE safe to bring. Be sure to zip tie them to the rack. DS's, PSP's, etc all sell great! No M for Mature ratings please! If over $25, please be sure to zip type item to!
Furniture & Decor
Furniture/Decor: All kinds of children's and juvenile furniture will be accepted. All furniture must be intact and sturdy. Children's Room decor is preferred.
Adult Furniture: Non-children furniture need to be approved before you can put in the sell. We recommend you price these items to sell and mark them to reduce.
Bedding: Please be sure to hang all bedding. We do accept bedding sets and bumpers, but please price these items to sell quickly. Though they cost a fortune new, pricing these more than 1/4 of retail may prohibit them from selling.
Games & Puzzles
Games and puzzles: These should have all pieces and be tied or taped closed. If you don't have time to check to make sure it's complete, do not tag and sell it!
Quality Matters!
Puzzles, Games or DVD's that do not have all the pieces (or the disc) will be returned at the shoppers request and you will be charged $5 per occurence. The same rule applies for an item with corroded batteries. Repeat offenders will be prohibited from consigning at our event. Please check your items thoroughtly so only quality items will be at our event.
All shoes will be inspected and must be in new or very gently used condition.
Magic Erasers work WONDERS on shoes!! A little bit of effort can add up to a lot of $ for you!
Shoes with dirt or mud will not be accepted.
All shoes need to be removed from the box
Attach a tag with a large safety pin to the laces and, for extra security, place a piece of tape over the pin. I prefer to zip tie my shoes together, then pin the tag around the zip tie, then tape the pin. Extra secure!
Shoes are handled a lot at the sale, so be sure that tag is not going anywhere.
Avoid putting shoes in zip-lock baggies if possible. They sell better when shoppers can see them better.
• Must be in working order
• Include batteries (you can get batteries very inexpensively at the Dollar Store) If we have to replace/provide batteries to sell your item, we will charge your account $1 per battery.
• Make sure they are clean. If you're missing pieces but it doesn't compromise the toy, that's ok.
• Small parts should be bagged and taped to the main part very securely. Use HEAVY packing tape. If parts get separated, it will not sell.
Bagged Toys-Bagged Toys need to make since and fit together. If bags look like random toys thrown together, they will get pulled.
Tagging toys and equipment with multiple pieces: Create and attach a tag to one of the pieces, then use masking tape and write your consignor number and price on each of the other pieces, in case they get separated. Not required but a good idea (think kids table and 2 chairs)
Power Seller Guidelines
ARE YOU A POWER SELLER? If you are bringing 300 total items and NOT donating unsold items, we consider you a Power Seller. 300 total makes you a Power Seller.
Please let us know at check-in if you are a Power Seller.
Power Seller will need to sign up for a collaborative Sorting Shift via the online team member scheduler (this shift is held Sunday evening 5pm-10pm). During this time you will help us sort ALL consignors items. Helping at this ship will be credited towards your $40 power seller consignor fee.
Power Sellers with less than a 50% sell through rate will be asked to reduce and change prices on their items. Item limits will be placed based on sell through rates. Power Sellers have an additional $40 charge added to their consignment fee. If you participate during the collaborative breakdown shift on Sunday 5pm-10pm, this $40 fee will be credited.
Power Sellers who have DONATE marked on 75% or more of the items in their tagging account will get their $40 fee credited and are not asked to work a breakdown shift.
Get those items tagged and get ready to earn big!!
Valet Drop Off
Pull in, unload, leave. 5 minutes and you're done! (hint, if you're sending your husband to drop off he'll LOVE you for this!)
Make an appointment, bring your items and waiver inside and walk away. No standing in line for inspections or putting your items away!
Valet Drop-Off Fees:
Up to 200 items-$20
201-350 items-$30
350-500 items-$40
Item counts come from the number of tags you have in your tagging account. Delete old/sold tags so you’ll have an accurate number. We can show you how if you need help.
Ready to sign up? Have questions? Just e-mail us!