Just Between Friends - shop, sell, save, smart!

We love serving our community!

Thousands of local families have added to their families budget, vacation fund and more by letting us help them get rid of their kids outgrown items.

While that's amazing, we also have a huge sense of pride in how Just Between Friends has touched even more families by supporting the charities we serve.  



Our amazing charity partner

The Mission of the Heal Foundation is to provide and augment healing in body, mind and spirit for the underserved and needy.


Just Between Friends Donations are used in the HEAL foundation traveling closet that will go to local underserved schools to allow for caseworkers and students to shop for free.



Lam Le

Mi Le

Angie Crone

Hi, we're Lam Le & Mi Le, and we organize the JBF events in Jenks, Glenpool, Owasso, Tulsa, and Broken Arrow. Over the past several years, we have helped thousands of  moms and dads in the Tulsa area just like you clean up and cash in with JBF.

As moms, we get it!  Raising kids on a budget is tough, not to mention they grow out of things so darn fast. That's why we created Just Between Friends. Our award winning events allow local families to sell items that their kids no longer use, and get way MORE for LESS! It's a win-win and the reason why we love JBF. We know you will too!